Last night was the much anticipated launch of Miel’s EP. I must say I have heard snippets of her new music at the odd rehearsal and also in the recording studio. But, to hear it live with such an enthusiastic audience was something rather special. In line with everything Miel does, it was a superb evening in West London. The amazing restaurant called ‘Ours’ on Brompton Road, London was completely taken over for this event.
WWF International Director General, Marco Lambertini speaking about WWF & our planet.
The most senior people from the WWF came over from Geneva, Switzerland to hear the new music. Marco Lambertini The Director general of the WWF International was there with Will Skinner. This charity has been one of Miel’s passions since she was a child and to be honest, the WWF’s cause is MUCH more than saving Pandas. It’s really ALL about our planet. So, take a look at their website and donate and get involved..
The room was called a ‘Living Room’ and how appropriate as it was. Miel’s EP has three tracks, 1, I Was Given Nature. 2, Unique Flower. 3 How Are You So Grounded. So, with the link to the WWF and her songs, the living Room with tree’s and plants growing everywhere was rather spectacular.
The WWF have chosen Miel’s single I Was Given Nature to represent a new campaign by the WWF called Connect2earth. Which in itself is quite something!
So, hearing Miel and her phenomenal band play her new songs in this setting was breath taking!
The audience loved it..
I had to shoot through the tree to get a photo at this point. Now this was not a usual stage setting and it was beautiful.
Miel here jumping back on stage as the crowd were demanding an Encore.
Brother & Sister! Miel with her brother, Alain de Botton after the show.
I have been working with Miel for about 5 years now and I have watched her go from strength to strength with her music career guided by the incredibly talented Andy Wright, which is now gathering pace beautifully. Miel is not only one of the nicest, kindest, thoughtful people I know, but, very, very talented. Not to mention determined. So, please go and check out her new music and also, if you can check out the WWF and maybe make a donation.
#Miel #MielMusic #IWasGivenNature #Ours #WWF #Music #AndyWright #SamSwallow