It was inly about 4 weeks ago that Lyn and I drove from London to Malmo. This time we had a longer drive. It was London to Stockholm. Then over to the other Swedish West coast to Gothenburg. The reason for this trip was that we have a rather big photo exhibition in Stockholm in November. So, the remaining framed photographs had to get to Stockholm. We worked out that the most sensible way without breakling them in transit by airfrieght or truck, would be for us to drive them there. I also was speaking at an event in Gothenburg. So it was ideal for us to drive them up to Stockholm and then drive to Gothenburg for my guest appearance. We left home and aimed at Dover where we cauaght a ferry to Calais. We then drove through France, Belgium to Germany where we stayed on first night, we made it all the way through Denmark to Sweden and got about an hour south of Stockholm. The next day we got to Stockholm and unloaded all of the photos. We then went out to the countryside and met up with my mate Tony Edser and his lovely partner Christine. We stayed the night with them in their beautiful home on a lake. The next day, Lyn and I drove down to the west coast of Sweden to Gothenburg. That was about a 6 hour drive. We got settled into the hotel and then the next day we met up with the wonderful people putting on the event where I was speaking. There was also a small exhibition of some of my photos there. After this event. Lyn and stayed there that night and the next day off we went and aiming in the direction of Amsterdam. This took us again, through Denmark, Germany and into Holland. We had a stay in Amsterdam and the next morning we were off towards Calais, but stopped for a quick bite to eat in Bruges, Belgium. Then after buying some of our favourite Belgian chocolate, we went straight to Calais and jumped on a P&O Ferry to Dover. Annoyingly, the worst part of our whole trip was once we were back in the UK. We should have been home by 11:30pm. But due to roadworks and diversions we ended up getting home at 2:30 am. Anway, overall our week away was lovely and we did about 3000 miles in total. We are back to Sweden next month, but, we can fly on that trip as we have delivered all of the prints now.
Fun on the streets of Amsterdam…
This was one of the bridges in Denmark approaching Copenhagen on our way to Sweden.
Lovely roads through Sweden & Denmark
This is the evening view from our friend’s Tony & Christine’s lounge and garden. Its quite stunning..
Talk of the devil.. Here he is, the one and only Tony Edser.
Sundown and almost dark as we look across the lake behind Tony & Christine’s house in Stockholm.
The entrance to my exhibition in Gothenburg
People veiwing some my photos in the small exhibition of my photos.
Lyn actually took a photo of me in the exhibition area at Gothenburg.
Passing ships in the night. This was us racing past some big old ships in Hamburg as we passed through Germany towards Holland..
Bruges, Belgium
Lyn giving that knowing look and I have no idea what that means. Anyway, we had a quick bit to eat here and zoomed off to France and caught a ferry back to the UK.